Have you been experimenting with various oils lately? For many just getting into essential oils, lavender oil is a great place to begin. Lavender oil is simple to use and can help with a variety of issues that you may encounter. Easy to find and inexpensive as well, lavender oil is perfect for getting your essential oil “feet wet!” Take a look below at 10 uses for lavender oil that you can try!
10 Household Uses for Lavender Oil
1. Use as an antiseptic.
If you have skin blemishes, lavender oil can act as an antiseptic. Just dilute the oil with a little water and dab on the affected area.
2. Relieve tension.
This is one of the best uses for lavender oil. Add a few drops to your lotion before a massage. Massage the mixture thoroughly into your neck and shoulders to relieve tension and feel stress melt away.
3. Reduce anxiety.
When you are feeling anxious or stressed, sniffing lavender oil can help put you at ease. Keep a small vial in the car so when the need arises you have the oils on hand to use.
4. Fall asleep faster.
Lavender oil can help you as well as children fall asleep peacefully and quickly. Dab a little oil on pulse points as bedtime nears. This will send the signal to your brain that it is time to wind down and relax.
5. Find relief from bug bites.
If you have a bug bite that is causing discomfort, dab a little lavender oil on it. It will help the bite stay clean which can speed up healing.
6. Banish bugs.
Make your own bug spray when you mix 10-12 drops each of lavender and peppermint oil in a spray bottle with 2 cups of water. Shake well. Spray on skin or outdoor furniture to keep bugs away. It sure beats chemical filled bug sprays!
7. Freshen up your linens.
Add a drop of two of oil to your dryer sheets before tossing it in. It will add a fresh scent to your clothing and linens. You can also make your own linen spray when you mix 2 cups of water with 3-4 drops of lavender oil. Spray it on sheets an hour before bedtime.
8. Relieve fungal infections.
Lavender oil when pure has been shown to reduce fungal infections of the skin. While you should always contact a doctor when issues are experienced, lavender oil can relieve some of the itching and discomfort.
9. Boost your mood.
Do you feel a little down? Lavender oil can help boost your mood when applied to pulse points. You can also add a drop or two to your deck chair at work or your car upholstery so you can feel more positive in stressful situations.
10. Ease headache symptoms.
Lavender can help ease the symptoms of a headache or migraine. Massage some into the temples and find a quiet place to rest. The scent is quite soothing, and the lavender can help promote relaxation.
As you can see, lavender oil has some terrific uses, and can really help you look and feel your best. If you are ready to try essential oils in your home, lavender oil is a simple yet effective oil to start with.
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Pauline Wiles says
I loved these ideas, especially the bug spray and linen spray suggestions. Thanks!