It’s a guilty pleasure. It’s a treat. Did you know soda pop has other household uses that come in handy? So here’s to a list that gives you an excuse to keep a can of soda in your fridge with these 10 household uses for soda pop. 10 Household Uses for Soda Pop 1.Read More
20 Frugal Ways to Use Salt
Did you know that salt is good for so much more than just sprinkling on your food? Those tiny white grains of salt are small indeed, but each one can be quite powerful and help you around the house in a great deal of ways. In fact, the kitchen is just one of the placesRead More
5 Easy and Frugal Homemade Cleaning Products
Cleaning products add up. Before I went frugal, I use to spend 20 plus dollars a month on cleaning supplies for my home. I thought there was no way making them myself was going to save me a significant amount of money to make it worth my time. I also worried that they wouldRead More
Eco-Friendly Tips for Going Green In The Bathroom
In this series, I will be talking about ways to go green in every area of your life and part of that is going green in our homes. In the previous post, I talked about why you should go green to begin with. In this post, I will talk about how to go green inRead More
Naturally Frugal Tip: Make Your Own Wrinkle Releaser
A while back I was given a sample of wrinkle releaser. I had my doubts about it, so it sat unused in my cupboard for months…and then I tried it and fell in love. I felt guilty because of the packaging that would have to be tossed and I wondered about the aerosol spray. IRead More
Naturally Frugal Tip: How to Clean Your Sink without Bleach
I really liked using Soft Scrub to clean my kitchen sink. Then we moved to the country where we have a septic tank. If you have ever had a septic tank, you know that bleach is discouraged because it kills the good bacteria needed to break down waste. I had to find a bleach-free alternative Read More
How to Remove Permanent Marker from Wood
Permanent Marker Can be Removed with an Eraser! Don’t Believe me? I didn’t think you would, so I took pictures. On Saturday a permanent marker that had been left out in the sun leaked onto a table. A neighbor, who had stopped by and viewed what happened said, “You can’t wash it off, but youRead More
5 Minute Decluttering Session
When I read a friend’s tweet about decluttering her living room, two things ran through my mind: I just decluttered the house last month and even if there is still clutter lurking, I don’t have time right now. Then I decided to take a box and see how much clutter I could get rid ofRead More