Some money saving tips stand the test of time and are as useful today as when people first started doing them, even though expenses and economies change over time. These are some tips that will take you back to basics that will help you save more money and spend less. Old-Fashioned Money Saving Tips SaveRead More
3 Important Steps to Reduce Your Debt
Over half of the nation is in debt. School loans, car loans, medical loans, buying a home, credit card debt, it all surrounds us. But what if there was a way to get out of debt easily? Now don’t get me wrong, this is going to take time no matter how you go about it.Read More
5 Habits of Frugal People
Learn how to be thriftier with these 5 habits of frugal people. Some people make being frugal look easy. They have their emergency savings and no debt and do everything every book has said to do. They just ‘have it’ and make it look effortless. So why can’t we be like that? What is holdingRead More
10 Ways To Live Frugally This Summer
Summer is one of the hardest seasons for many people financially. There are so many fun things to get out and do as well as BBQ’s, kids at home for all three meals of the day and vacations to take. This is the perfect time to live frugally! Living frugally in the summer is soRead More
How to Save Money With Minimalism
Last week I explained a little about what the difference between minimalism is and frugal living. While the two are different, minimalism can still save you quite a bit of money because at it’s very core, you will buy less. Even if you don’t want to take on a fully minimalist lifestyle, some minimalist habitsRead More
What is the Difference Between Minimalist and Frugal Living?
This may be a strange question to pose, but, what is the difference between minimalist living and just “plain old Frugal living”? The two are very easily connected as living frugally often means living simply and minimalism often means doing things in a less expensive way. Let’s explore the difference between the two so you can decide ifRead More
10 Myths About Frugal Living
Frugality is booming and although you may want to get in on the action, you may have no idea where to start. There are some roadblocks many people put up when it comes to living frugal. They think it will require them to give up on things they like and live a bare bones lifestyle.Read More
Preparing for a Frugal Holiday Season
Preparing for a frugal holiday season can be stressful, especially when you feel you have to buy fabulous presents for everyone on your list. Luckily, you don’t have to worry, if you budget accordingly. You should shop smart and alone – stragglers come at a price. Don’t worry though! You’ll get through this holiday inRead More
Top 5 Frugality Myths
A frugal lifestyle can not only help you save money, but also helps reduce the amount of debt you carry over your lifetime. The word “frugal” sometimes creates certain preconceived notions of what it means to save money, as well as how to save money. However, many of these ideas about frugality are actually myths.Read More
Dollar Store DIY: Frugal Fall Tablescape
If you have taken a peek at decorating magazines lately, you may have noticed how popular tablescapes and vignettes have become. If you are not familiar with either of these design ideas, don’t let the fancy names scare you. You will find that they are actually quite fun and simple. A tablescape or vignette asRead More