30 Fish Recipes for Lent and Fish Fridays throughout the Lenten Season and year.
My husband and I grew up with different Lenten traditions. He grew up eating fish or going meatless on Fridays and my church had Soup Suppers on Wednesdays. Whenever possible I try to incorporate both of our traditions. In the past, this meant meatless soup on Fridays. However, this year I will be observing both of our traditions during Lent and we will have soup on Wednesdays and fish on Fridays.
You do not have to recognize Lent to benefit from the fish recipes for lent below! And I should point out, that the links will not necessarily take you to sites where the bloggers participate or even recognize Lent. However, they are still a good resource for recipes that are appropriate for the Lenten season.
Fish used to be fairly frugal, but the price has gone up considerably over the last decade. Here are some tips for how to save money on seafood and here are the 10 best places to find seafood coupons. Since seafood is so expensive, you don’t want to let any of your fish go to waste! Here is a list of recipe ideas to use up leftover fish.
30 Fish Recipes for Lent
Catfish Recipes:
Broiled Catfish with Artichokes and Tomatoes
Cod Recipes:
Baked Cod with a Sauteed Veggie Topping
Ruffy Recipes:
White Ruffy in Ginger Teriyaki Sauce
Salmon Recipes:
Salmon with Raspberry Balsamic Glaze
Salmon and Blueberry Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
Salmon Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes
Salmon with Pomegranate Tea Glaze
Salmon Meatballs with Lemon and Herb Infused Cream Sauce
Swordfish Recipes
Quinoa Bowl with Swordfish and Avocado
Tilapia Recipes:
Tilapia with Tomato and Olive Relish
Trout Recipes: 
Pan-Fried Trout with Garlic, Lemon, & Parsley
Tuna Recipes:
Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi with Pico de Gallo
You can find more fish and seafood recipes on my Fish Fridays Pinterest board. What is your favorite fish recipe?
Anjanette @MommaYoung says
These are delicious sounding recipes I can wait to try them.. Still working on improving my fish recipes and comfort in cooking them. The Tilapia Tacos were super easy to make (thank you for sharing by the way) now I’m working on salmon. I am going to try the Salmon with Balsamic Glaze. Thanks for putting together such a great list of ideas.
Michelle @ The Willing Cook says
Thanks for including my Pan-Seared Salmon in your round-up, Alea. It’s a great idea! I also want to point out my slightly modified version to make it a little easier, but equally delicious Oven-Seared Salmon (I’m full of imaginative titles 🙂 Here is that link:
Thanks again! Enjoy your fish today!
Amanda says
Thanks for featuring my trout recipe! 🙂 This is a great resource. I am going to share it with my readers.
mjskit says
Thanks for the shoutout Darlin!!!! What a great list of fish recipes! Have a great weekend!!