On Christmas morning, I decided to use our leftover Honey Glazed Ham to make a fast and easy Ham and Broccoli Frittata. When my daughter saw what I was going to do, she said, “You can’t use broccoli, broccoli isn’t a breakfast food”. When I asked her what I should use instead she said Brussels Sprouts. Seriously?Read More
Steak and Artichoke Frittata
Confession: Sometimes I want my recipes to seem like I put a little effort into them even though I don’t really want to work very hard. That is when I turn to Frittatas. They are fast and easy, but they still have the wow factor, especially if you add unexpected ingredients like artichoke hearts. WhenRead More
Hashbrown and Bacon Frittata
Winter has finally decided to show up in Nevada. I’ve read that you burn more calories when it’s cold and I’m inclined to believe it because after working with the horses, I am cold to the bone and starving. After doing my last outside chore, blanketing the horses, I want something hearty for dinner, butRead More
Asian Vegetable and Rice Frittata
My daughter’s favorite breakfast is leftover Chinese food and her favorite dinner is scrambled eggs. She’s a little backwards, but I am not going to judge because my favorite breakfast is leftover spaghetti. I decided to merge her two favorites into one dish that could be eaten any time of the day. I am accustomed to using cheese to add flavor toRead More
Mediterranean Garden Frittata
I should let you know right off that my daughter named this dish. I wanted to call it Italian Vegetable Frittata, but she didn’t think that sounded romantic or exotic enough for her favorite frittata. She is a kindred spirit to Anne of Green Gables and often complains about the plebeian names I give my dishes.Read More
Southwest Steak Frittata
Frittatas are a great way to use up leftovers. They are also a wonderful way to sneak excess garden veggies into your kids at breakfast. And for some reason people are always impressed with frittatas. When I serve them, my friends and family always act like I went to a lot of trouble and IRead More
Vegetable Frittata
My horse, Toddy, came home from the trainer’s this evening. We are all thrilled to have him home, even the cats came out to the pasture to welcome him home. With all the excitement and commotion I forgot to cook dinner, so I ran out to the garden, grabbed some veggies and whipped up aRead More
Blackberry Egg Puffs Made in a Muffin Pan
I love questions and comments; they inspire me. My friend Christy, from Frugality and Crunchiness with Christy, asked me if egg puffs could be made in muffin pans. I didn’t know the answer because I usually make my egg puffs in ramekins, but occasionally make them in oven-safe coffee cups. However, I was determined toRead More
Strawberry and Spinach Egg Puffs
Last week on $5 Dollar Dinners, I explained that my recipes are occasionally inspired by my children’s interests. I shared how my kids like Lord of the Rings and pretend that my Stuffed Cabbage with Turkey and Brown Rice is made by elves since it is a food item wrapped in a leaf. This generated some discussionRead More
Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy
Here is a recipe for biscuits that only require 2 ingredients and is topped with chocolate gravy from my friend Vickie! I got married to my husband at a very young age and without the knowledge of how to cook. Oh, I knew the basics –how to scramble some eggs, make a pancake, etc. butRead More
Pumpkin Spice Egg Puffs
Since my 3 year old announced that my Sweet Potato Egg Puffs were his favorite muffins, I have looked at egg puffs in a whole new light. He is right; they are light and fluffy like muffins, but they have very little flour and sugar, making them a healthier alternative. They also come together veryRead More
How to Make Perfect Fluffy Scrambled Eggs
My kids and I love breakfast for dinner. When my husband has to travel, I always make scrambled eggs the first evening he is gone. The kids and I feel like wild rule breakers eating breakfast for dinner. When he is deployed, I make scrambled eggs once a week for dinner – we never getRead More
Sweet Potato Egg Puffs
I can’t stop baking with sweet potatoes. Do you ever get hung up on an ingredient and just keep cooking with it until you run out of ideas? I think I promised once before to stop posting sweet potato recipes, so I am not going to make any promises this time, but I will tryRead More
Pumpkin Pancakes, Pumpkin Muffins, and Cinnamon Apple Syrup
It is time to start harvesting pumpkins, and we just happen to love pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pancakes. After I make pumpkin puree, I freeze it in 2 cup portions. When I thaw a bowl, I make pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin muffins since they each require 1 cup of pureed pumpkin. You can use canned pumpkinRead More