Sometimes I forget to bring my reusable grocery bags to the store which leaves me with left over plastic bags. And although we use cloth handkerchiefs, I do keep tissue for our guests, which leaves me with leftover tissue boxes. So I combine two leftover items and create a new use for them: I realizeRead More
Homemade Paint With Water Coloring Pages
I have spent way too much time this week talking on the phone with companies. During these calls I need Rew to be happily occupied for a couple of minutes so that I can focus, remember to ask the right questions, and write notes. I remembered my older kids enjoying paint with water books.Read More
The Great Flower Compromise
As my husband was leaving work to pick me up on one of our first dates a colleague asked, “aren’t you going to bring her flowers?” It was too late for my husband to purchase any before picking me up, so when he arrived he greeted me by apologizing for not bringing flowers. Being myRead More
The "Uniform"
A couple of months ago Gwenyth Paltrow received a lot of negative attention for her new blog GOOP. I decided to check it out and could not figure out what the big deal was all about. I personally believe that if you have an open mind you can learn from almost anybody. I am notRead More
Making More Room in Your Freezer
I buy food in bulk when it is on sale. The limiting factor when it comes to stocking up on meat is my freezer space. I wish that I had a large capacity freezer, but until a great bargain comes along I will continue to cram as much food as possible into the little freezerRead More
Mistress of the Obvious!
Stop the presses! This news just in: Refrigerating Fruit Keeps it Fresh Longer! I realize that this probably seems very obvious to some, maybe even most of you, but I just realized this last month. Until last month, I kept my fruit in baskets on the counter. My theory was that if my children hadRead More
Cost Per Serving Calculator
On Wednesdays I go through all of the grocery store ads and make my shopping list. Most of the time it is obvious which sale price on meat is the best bargain: whole chickens $0.67 a lb., boneless pork loin $0.99 a lb., etc. However, there are times when the decision is not so simple.Read More
Premeditated Leftovers
Last summer, during the height of the fuel crisis, I like a lot of Americans started trying to find new ways to save money. Many of the ideas I came up with are not actually new, but things I learned from my parents and grandparents, but had not implemented in my own household because IRead More
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