These 5 ways to save money on a tight budget can add up to surprising savings quickly! With so many money-saving tips out there, it is easy to forget the simple ways you can save money. While these may seem like obvious ways you can save cash, people often don’t use them becauseRead More
12 Household Expenses You Should Cut in 2023
If you are trying to save money, cutting out a few monthly expenses can make a big difference. Here are 12 household expenses you should cut in 2023. Are you drowning in debt? Or perhaps you just want a little extra money to set aside. There are all sorts of reasons to want to makeRead More
How to Do a Pantry Challenge
One of the best ways to save on groceries is to use what you have. Here’s how to do a pantry challenge to save money and avoid waste. How to Do a Pantry Challenge If you are always looking for new ways to save time and money in your home, you may want to considerRead More
How to Do a Month Long No Spend Challenge
If you are looking to improve your finances fast, a no-spend challenge is a great way to start. Here’s how to get through a month without spending money on non-essentials. No spend challenges are becoming a popular trend for those looking to save money and/or get out of debt. A no spend challenge involves spendingRead More
9 Ways to Save Money for Beginning Savers
Get moving on your journey towards savings with these 9 Ways to Save Money for Beginning Savers. You may be surprised by how quickly you build your savings! When you looked at your budget most recently, did you sigh with relief that everything was covered with money to spare or did you haveRead More
How to Save Money by Avoiding Common Spending Traps
You will be amazed by how to money you save by following this guide on how to save money by avoiding common spending traps. Every day in our lives, we throw money away. This probably happens to even the most frugal among us. In a quest to save more, I came up with theseRead More
How to Save Money on Healthcare
With the high cost of healthcare, saving money may seem impossible but there are things you can do. Here’s how to save money on healthcare. Your health is one of the most important areas of your life and unfortunately, one of the most expensive. It is also one of the hardest places in your budgetRead More
5 Savings Challenges to Start in the New Year
Is saving money one of your resolutions? Here are 5 savings challenges to start in the new year that make it easier to save. After the wallet-draining Holiday season, it can feel like you won’t ever get back on track with your finances. The idea of saving large sums of money might seem very dauntingRead More
5 Ways to Save Money on the Holidays All Year Long
You can save yourself money and stress by planning ahead for the holidays. Here are 5 ways to save money on the holidays all year long. It used to be that every year, as the holidays were approaching and I was feeling overwhelmed, I would tell myself that I would plan for the holidays betterRead More
How to Create an Emergency Fund on a Shoestring Budget
It’s important to have an emergency fund, but it’s hard to save when money is tight. Here’s how to create an emergency fund on a shoestring budget. Having savings for emergencies is extremely important for anyone. However, creating an emergency fund can present a challenge when you are on a tight budget. The problem is, havingRead More
6 Places to Sell Your Used Clothes for Cash
Need to clean out your closet? Here are 6 places to sell your used clothes for cash. Have you ever looked at your closet and wondered how you accumulated so much? This usually makes us take action and start cleaning it out by taking an honest look at what we own and what we no longerRead More
How to Save Money on Home Entertainment
Are the costs of your cable and streaming services really adding up? Here are some tips on how to save money on home entertainment that will help you get these costs under control. We tend to think it’s the entertainment outside our home that costs so much, but when you really look at it, weRead More
Why You Need a No-Spend Day Every Week
Have you ever considered how many small purchases you make throughout the day? Having a no-spend day every week can help you save money and change your habits. Have you ever considered how much money you spend on a daily basis on simple things like stops at drive-thrus, a soda at the gas station onRead More
How to Get Free Gift Cards
Check out these tips on how to get free gift cards to spend on everyday expenses. Gift cards are something you either love to get as a gift or dislike, but no matter what, they can really be used for things other than the obvious. Since gift cards can be used to save money, youRead More
6 Ways to Save Money on Your Commute
It is frustrating to having to spend a lot of money getting to and from work. Here are some ways to save money on your commute. If you are like many people, you spend a lot of time commuting. This means you must find a way to get to work that is efficient and doesn’tRead More
8 Ways to Get More Out of Ibotta
Want to maximize your Ibotta savings? Try these 8 ways to get more out of Ibotta. There are many apps out there that can help you earn money and save it as well. Ibotta is definitely one of my favorites because it is one of the most efficient savings apps in my opinion and theRead More
5 Ways to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill
These 5 ways to save money on your cell phone bill will help you cut your monthly expenses. Cell phone bills have certainly gotten lower and lower as more competition happens between companies, but they still are one of the biggest expenses most people have in their home, especially if you have more than oneRead More
5 Ways to Negotiate Lower Bills
You can negotiate prices on common expenses more often than you think. Check out these 5 ways to negotiate lower bills. Did you know that many bills are negotiable? I happen to live in a world where I believe that most things have a little wiggle room even if it may not seem that way.Read More
How to Save Money at the Pharmacy
Start saving with these easy tips on how to save money at the pharmacy! Being that I manage my own chronic condition and as well as my child’s, I spend a pretty good chunk of time in pharmacies. This has been a good thing for me because I have managed to turn it into somethingRead More
How to Always Pay Bills on Time
If you are tired of incurring late fees on bills, these tips on how to always pay bills on time are for you. For many years I lived in the constant cycle of “stealing from Peter to pay Paul”; that is I was always rearranging my bill paying to pay bills just in time orRead More