If you aren’t careful, the cost of souvenirs can really add up when you take a vacation. Here are a few ways that we keep souvenirs from ruining our travel budget. First, make a budget! Discuss your budget with your children before you leave. This may mean that you have no money set aside forRead More
Mason Jar Spill Proof Cups
I love the idea of taking mason jars and turning them into spill-proof cups . Visit The Chick n Coop, where you will find a comprehensive tutorial showing you how to make your own Mason Jar Spill-Proof Cups. The only change that I would make to this system is to use Stainless Steel Straws because I prefer to useRead More
How to Make Homemade Baby Food
Sarah from Spoon Fed Baby is sharing tips for making homemade baby food: I am so honored that Alea is allowing me to invade her blogosphere space and do a little guest posting! How awesome is she? Spreading the love for sure (smile). Confession: I have decided that I am an “Alea wanna-be”; gardening organically,Read More
Frugal Reading Nook for a 5 Year Old
Normally, I wouldn’t share something so mundane. However, in this new world of technology where we are exposed to so many clever ideas, I think there is more pressure on us to take a simple concept and make it more involved than it needs to be. Don’t get me wrong, I like pretty things andRead More
How to Save Money on College Expenses
Yesterday, I read an article about a woman who had accumulated $555,000 in student debt. Originally she took out only $250,000, but fees and interest have more than doubled what she owes. You can read more about her cautionary tale here. Her story caused me to reflect on how blessed my children will be toRead More
Frugal, Eco-Friendly, Homemade Soaps and Cleaners
Annie Jones, from Haphazard Homestead, is sharing frugal, green recipes for household cleaners, laundry soaps, and hand and bath soaps. Going green and going natural doesn’t have to be an expensive venture when it comes to homemade soaps and cleaners. Whether it’s bath soap, laundry detergent or all-purpose cleaners, making these at home can beRead More
Fridge Tricks to Reduce Food Waste and Save Electricity
The following article was written by Andrew of Appliance Helps Appliance Parts: Let’s imagine your fridge. If it’s anything like mine, it’s pristine on the outside and horribly confused on the inside. It’s probably full of things that shouldn’t be there (old tofu? Gross!), and that are so well-hidden that they won’t be found untilRead More
Use Your Digital Camera to Help with Repairs
My husband takes a picture of every step as he takes apart an item that he is repairing. Then he just has to look at the pictures in reverse order to remember how to put it back together again. It is a fast and easy tool to help with repairs and it doesn’t cost aRead More
DIY Gift: How to Make Coasters with Tiles
Coasters are easy to make and they cost very little to create, but they do take time. Usually you make coasters in sets of four. I bought six tiles, planning on ruining at least two. I’m a positive thinker that way. Actually, I ruined five and my son ruined the one perfect one (Note to self: don’tRead More
How to Make a Sugar Bowl Candle or Tea Cup Candle
Making Sugar Bowl Candles and Tea Cup Candles is an easy, frugal, do-it-yourself gift. They can be elegant or playful depending ont the containers you choose to use. You can also create a touching sentimental gift by repurposing chipped family china to make your candles. Tips for Saving Money on this Project: Buy sugar bowls orRead More
DIY Foaming Soap
In the early ’90’s I made the switch from bar soap to liquid soap. Since replacing the disposable soap dispensers was expensive and wasteful, I bought ceramic soap dispensers and bought large refill bottles of liquid soap. I continued doing this for 18 years, but last summer as I was buying a refill bottle I spiedRead More
Frugal Topical Analgesic: Vaporizing Rub
When my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said a gym membership. I found a gym that had a monthly fee of $12.95, free daycare, and no long term commitments. I have really enjoyed the Pilates and yoga classes. I occasionally go to a zumba class, even though I am not entirelyRead More
How to Tie-Bleach a T-Shirt
Andrew was invited to a ’60’s party. The mom who invited us encouraged the kids to wear tie-dyed t-shirts. Andrew did not have a tie-dyed t-shirt or anything else in his wardrobe that would pass for ’60’s attire, so I looked for dye when I went grocery store. I could not find any dye at my localRead More
Review: Clearly Fresh Bags
I was contacted this summer by Clearly Fresh Bags and asked if I would like to review their Clearly Fresh 1 Gallon Re-Closable Zip Bags. I researched their bags online and was please with what I read. A package of ten 1 gallon bags sells for $3.99, most of the bag is recyleable, and theRead More
Frugal Fun Tip: Turn a Kiddie Pool into a Sand Box with a Cover
My friend, Shana, often shares pictures of her adorable little boy, Blaze. In one of those pictures I saw what I thought was a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea and asked her to share it with you, as well as a little bit about herself. This last week here in GA we have had some beautifulRead More
DIY Non-Slip Socks
I really think it was easier last year when I was on The compact and not buying anything new. I didn’t have to worry about comparison shopping to find the best deal – if Goodwill had it I did a little happy dance and if not, I did without. I also didn’t have to worryRead More
Washing a Scouring Pad in the Dishwasher
My husband likes to use a green scouring pad when he does the dishes. I am not the biggest fan of scouring pads because keeping them clean is troublesome. I don’t feel like I can get them completely clean when I hand wash them and when I put them in the washing machine they becomeRead More
Using the Internet to Repair Appliances and Vehicles
Last night I watched the premiere of No Ordinary Family on ABC.com and I was reminded of how the internet came through for me when my super powers failed. Two summers ago while my husband was deployed our washing machine broke. Without thinking I tried using my super powers to find a solution. No, IRead More
How to Remove Permanent Marker from Wood
Permanent Marker Can be Removed with an Eraser! Don’t Believe me? I didn’t think you would, so I took pictures. On Saturday a permanent marker that had been left out in the sun leaked onto a table. A neighbor, who had stopped by and viewed what happened said, “You can’t wash it off, but youRead More
Using Vinegar on Mildewed Towels
This is a reprint of a previously published post. It seems appropriate to share it today as we are headed off to the lake and I may be using this tip soon. It is summer and in our house that means mildew. Somebody forgets a wet towel in a hot car or bunches it upRead More
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