Here are some indoor workout ideas for when you are stuck indoors. Losing weight and getting in shape… it’s not easy, is it? It seems like no matter what we do, something comes up and gets in our way. But, don’t use bad weather or a closed gym as an excuse to skip your workout!Read More
Free Ways to Take a Fitness Class
If you want to try a fitness class, there’s no need to spend a lot of money. Here are some free ways to take a fitness class. Fitness classes are a great way to socialize, learn how to do certain exercises and motivate you to keep up the good work. They can also be great forRead More
4 Ways Yoga Can Help Reduce Stress
Yoga is a great way to manage stress naturally. Here are 4 ways yoga can help reduce stress. I have been practicing yoga for many years. One of the reasons I got into it was to reduce anxiety. It seems like such a simple step to take for stress reduction, but it really does work onRead More
Fun Outdoor Activities That Are Great Exercise
Mix up your workout routine by trying some fun outdoor activities that are great exercise. I don’t hate the gym, but I feel like gyms are a place I go when I can’t get outside for one reason or another. Often it’s the weather because I am sensitive to extreme temperatures, hot or cold. SometimesRead More
Frugal Fitness Tools for Beginners
You can build a home gym without breaking the bank with these frugal fitness tools. When I started out with a fitness routine, I didn’t have a lot of money. I had spent many years making the excuse that I couldn’t afford to get fit because I couldn’t afford a gym membership. The truth is,Read More
How to Stay Active at a Desk Job
It’s hard to stay active when you have to sit at a desk 8 hours a day, but it is possible with these tips on how to stay active at a desk job. As a blogger, my job is definitely a lot of time spent in front of a computer. This leads to a lotRead More
How to Turn a Walk into a full Workout
If you are looking to add some more challenge to your daily walk, check out these tips for how to turn a walk into a full workout. One of the easiest ways to get outside and be active is to go for walks. While this is absolutely a good activity to do on its own,Read More
Fitness Tips for Stay at Home Moms
If you’re struggling to find ways to get exercise while home with your little, check out these fitness tips for stay at home moms. As a stay at home mom, you may feel like you barely have time to shower, let alone take care of your health and stay fit. I know I did whenRead More
How to Exercise Daily and Stick to It
Do you tend to start an exercise routine only to stop a short while later? Do you lack the energy to knock out workouts on a regular basis? Check out these tips on How to Exercise Daily and Stick to it to help you achieve your fitness goals. It is a rare thing indeed to find thatRead More
How to Start an Exercise Routine and Stick With It
Have you ever started an exercise routine, only to ditch it a week, two weeks, or a month later? It’s extremely common! Many people start an exercise routine, get busy or bored, and drop it shortly after. It can be absolutely overwhelming incorporating a steady exercise routine in to your life, but these tips will showRead More
Body Weight Exercises For Sculpting
Sadie is sharing tips on body weight exercises for sculpting. Cardio is a great way to exercise, but sculpting your body is just as important! It’s important to find good body weight exercises for sculpting your body so you can achieve fitness goals and work on areas that need improvement! Sculpting is a great wayRead More
Fun Ways to Get 10,000 Steps Per Day
I recently got a FitBit as a work bonus, needless to say I was super excited. I had been eyeing the FitBit for some time but couldn’t justify spending $100 since I really don’t exercise all that often. After about a week of wearing my FitBit, I realized I wasn’t getting in the suggested 10,000Read More
How to Work Out on a Budget
Health is extremely important, and not just physical health. Mental health is important as well. Stressing about bills is extremely common in today’s economy, and while it’s nice to have a gym membership, it definitely isn’t required for physical health. Remember that paying for convenience is a big additive to costs! There are plenty ofRead More
5 Tips for Power Walking for Weight Loss
Use these tips for power walking to get more from your walk. When it comes to losing weight, picking the right exercise for your situation is absolutely vital. Not everyone can go out and pump iron or run for a few miles. Most people that need to lose some weight can, however, walk for aRead More
A Guide to Gyms and Fitness Centers
Ready to make the big commitment to join a gym, get in shape, and feel better? Did you know there is more than just one option to consider? Finding the right fit for you and your needs is one of the most important first steps of the fitness journey. A Guide to Gyms and FitnessRead More
10 Small Changes for a Simple Start to a Healthier Lifestyle
I wrote this blog post as part of a movement by Weight Watchers to encourage people to remember that loving yourself starts with taking care of your health everyday. Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own. Last fall I had a health issue that preventedRead More
How to Train for Your 1st 5k
A lot of people want to run a 5k as either a way to get back into fitness or as something they can check off their Bucket List. In order to run a 5k in 30 days for the first time, you need to know how to train for it. These steps are meantRead More
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Gym Membership
Amanda is sharing tips for getting the most out of your gym membership: Are you one of the thousands (millions?) who have purchased a gym membership recently in hopes of getting in better shape this year? It’s no secret that for many people who have a gym membership, it largely goes unused. About 67% ofRead More
Sneak Exercise Into Your Day so Your Body Doesn’t Notice
No one said starting to exercise was easy and getting started can be the hardest part. When I first started exercising on a daily basis, I had to sneak it in so my body didn’t notice. I found that exercising in small snippets throughout the day was easier to do and my body started toRead More
8 Yoga Poses to Help You Detox
Meghan Gerrity is sharing 8 Yoga Poses to help you detox: 8 Yoga Poses to Detox If you’re one of the more than 15 million people in the United States practicing yoga, you already know how beneficial the poses and breathing techniques can be for your body, mind and overall well being. Yoga, a centuries-old practice,Read More