Tis the season for Christmas cards to start arriving in the mail. Before you know it, you can have dozens of cards adorning your mantel or entry way. When the season ends, your first instinct may be to toss those cards in the recycling bin, but the good news is, there are so many neatRead More
Naturally Frugal Tip: Make Your Own Lip Balm
Have I ever mentioned how much I love coconut oil? I know, I know, I sound like a broken record, but I love the stuff. When my lips get chapped I just rub a little coconut oil on my lips. In fact I do something that some of you may think is a little odd:Read More
Recycle Household Items to Create Unique Wrapping Paper
Recycle Household Items to Create Unique Wrapping Paper The holidays are a special time of year and as family and friends gather together it should all be without pressure –even the gift wrapping. Yes, gift wrapping can often be a stressful venture because while the gift itself is the main focus like many other thingsRead More
10 Household Uses for Soda Pop
It’s a guilty pleasure. It’s a treat. Did you know soda pop has other household uses that come in handy? So here’s to a list that gives you an excuse to keep a can of soda in your fridge with these 10 household uses for soda pop. 10 Household Uses for Soda Pop 1.Read More
Frugal & Festive Fun: Darling DIY Cookie Wreath
The holidays are approaching, and this means lots of baking will be taking place in the kitchen. And while you might be busy baking cookies for after dinner treats and guests, did you know they can also come in handy in your crafting? Using cookies to create a darling cookie wreath is so easy, andRead More
Ways to Save on Holiday Entertainment
There is so much to do during the holidays. So many get-together invitations, as well as hosting your own activities. Add in all the other fun activities during the winter and it can leave your pocket feeling light. Here are some tips to help you enjoy more holiday fun while staying on a budget. TipsRead More
Natural Ways to Help Clear a Stuffy Nose
It is almost here: cold and flu season. The time for many of us to celebrate the holidays and spend time with our loved ones can also be a time of struggling with coughing, sneezing, and congestion. The latter can be the worst – it’s hard to talk, eat, or even breath with a cloggedRead More
Save Money and Time this Christmas with TrackIF
Have you ever wished that you could monitor all of your favorite websites using a single alerting platform so you don’t have to setup and manage accounts with dozens of sites. With TrackIF you can and it is FREE! Say you’ve been watching a new gadget that your husband wants, waiting for it to dropRead More
How to Make a Hurricane Candle Holder
It’s the most wonderful time of the year and I love decorating for Christmas. I especially love adding a touch of romance and elegance by decorating with hurricanes and candles. Hurricane candle holder are an elegant way to decorate your home with candles and add warmth to your home for the Holidays. Not only areRead More
How To Save Money on Gift Wrap
Saving every dime you can during the holidays presents quite a challenge when all sorts of small expenses creep up, starting with wrapping paper. The cheapest way is usually to wrap the gifts yourself, unless of course they come with free gift wrapping services, but even wrapping them yourself can cost you more than youRead More
Preparing for a Frugal Holiday Season
Preparing for a frugal holiday season can be stressful, especially when you feel you have to buy fabulous presents for everyone on your list. Luckily, you don’t have to worry, if you budget accordingly. You should shop smart and alone – stragglers come at a price. Don’t worry though! You’ll get through this holiday inRead More
Trash to Treasure DIY: Repurposed Globe Bowl
How many times have you come across an old globe at a thrift store or garage sale? Or perhaps you still have one hanging out in your garage somewhere? Your first thought might be to toss it, considering the globe may be outdated an unable to be used for the purpose it was originally intended.Read More
How to Save Money on Christmas Cards
For those that have friends and family that are too far of a distance to go and visit, sending cards is the common way to send our holiday love and cheer. It may not seem like a lot at first, but the costs associated with sending cards, especially if your list of those to sendRead More
How to Make a Sock Snowman
You probably already have everything you need to make this cute tube sock snowman craft. Here’s how to make a sock snowman with oatmeal, sand, or rice. Are you ready for Christmas? I sure am. I love Christmas, it is my favorite time of the year. I also love to make Christmas crafts. My homeRead More
5 Frugal Ways to Winterize Your Home
The colder months are quickly creeping up on us! If you haven’t already started to think about winterizing your home, now is the time. Taking some time to winterize your home will not only keep you warmer during the winter but will also keep your utility bills in check. Sometimes people will avoid winterizing theirRead More
$2 Dollar DIY: Easy Upcycled Yardstick Mitten Holder
The arrival of the cooler temps and changing leaves means that old man winter is on his way. This means it is time to dig out all of your cold weather accessories, including mittens, hats, scarves, and more. If your house is like mine, this means your hallway is about to turn into mitten mayhem,Read More
Naturally Frugal Tip: Use Avocado Oil to Make Homemade Beauty Treatments
Maggie or Family Frugal Fun, is sharing 3 ways to use avocado oil to make homemade beauty treatments. Homemade Avocado Oil Beauty Treatments I enjoy making salon-quality beauty products at home. One of the ingredients commonly found in many skincare regiments is avocado oil. Avocado oil is great for the skin and hair in lots ofRead More
How to Make Hand Sanitizer
Use this tutorial on how to make hand sanitizer. It is cold and flu season. We have already had two different viruses work their way through our family. We are sick of being sick and have turned into hand washing zealots. Scrubbing your hands with soap for 20 seconds is always the most effective wayRead More
20 Frugal Uses for Honey
Who doesn’t like a little honey every now and then? It is so sweet and simple, and perfect when added to toast, tea, or your peanut butter sandwich. But did you know that honey has many other valuable uses as well? It sure does! In fact honey can be used in all sorts of waysRead More
Curbside Crafts: Repurposed Headboard Yard Sign
What do you do when you are driving down the road and see an old headboard on the curb? You stop and pick it up of course! If you are a regular thrifter or curb collector, you may have noticed how often old wooden headboards are in the offerings. Up until now you may haveRead More