Check out these great reasons why you should volunteer with your family. You will find that volunteering has benefits to your family and those in need in your community. Volunteering is not something that comes up very often when you talk about family activities and I have never really understood why. This is a fantastic way toRead More
7 Tips for Becoming an Early Riser
Do you crawl, or even stumble out of bed early in the morning? If so, check out these great Tips for Becoming an Early Riser. Have you ever considered being an early riser? Maybe you are a night owl or just cannot seem to crawl out of bed at all. If you’re looking for ways to make thoseRead More
8 Safety Tips for College Freshman
These safety tips are key for any college freshman. Keeping them in mind will help avoid potentially dangerous situations that can occur in a new environment. Going to college is an exciting time, but unfortunately it can also be a dangerous time. Not only are you in a new environment, but you’re also constantly aroundRead More
Tips for Making Sunday Mornings Less Hectic for Church
Sunday mornings are hectic in many homes. Waking up and getting everyone dressed and out the door in time for mass is a large task. Why is it so hectic and what can be done about it? You no longer have to be stuck in that rut where things are crazy. Say goodbye to theRead More
How to Get Help Paying Your Rent or Mortgage
In life, there are some basic human needs and shelter is definitely one of them. Nothing is scarier in the land of finances than coming to terms with the fact that you are struggling to pay for the roof over your head. This can be even scarier when you have kids or people who dependRead More
6 Tips for Being Productive Your Freshman Year
Your freshman year in college is very likely to be your toughest. You’ll need to adjust to being away from home and to being fully responsible for yourself. You’ll also need to deal with managing your own money and so much more. It’s an incredibly exciting time, but it’s also super scary. The fear, stress,Read More
25 Items You Should Buy in Bulk
Some items are dramatically less expensive when purchased in bulk. Here are 25 items you should buy in bulk. Buying in bulk can really help you save money in the long run, plus you also save yourself the hassle of having to make last-minute store trips. Buying in bulk means you have the items youRead More
What to Buy in September
It’s September! That means school is in session and the holidays are just around the corner. If you are starting to think about your shopping strategy for the month, take a peek below at some helpful tips to get you started. September can be the perfect time to snag some sales and really get someRead More
How to Find Free Clothing Assistance
There have been times in my life where I couldn’t afford to buy new clothes for either myself with the changing seasons, or for my child as she grew. I have always been an avid thrift shopper, but sometimes even thrift store clothing is too much to afford. There are many reasons people may need helpRead More
DIY Rustic Mason Jar Makeup Brush Holder
I am a big fan of anything rustic or farmhouse style in home decor. This goes for main living areas like the living room and kitchen as well as small details in the bathroom. Another thing I love is simple DIYs that can add great touches to your home and this DIY Rustic Mason Jar MakeupRead More
9 Things Your College Freshman Needs to Know
College is a scary and exciting time for incoming freshmen students. It’s also extremely scary for parents. Letting go of your child and sending them off by themselves for the first time is terrifying. Up until now, their safety and care has been in your capable hands. Once they go off on their own, it willRead More
20 Items You Should Buy Generic
As an avid shopper and deal hunter you probably already know that buying generic can save you tons of money. But how do you know which items are best to buy generic? Below we have compiled the Top 20 Items You Should Buy Generic, so you can be sure you are stretching your budget asRead More
How to Save on Canning Supplies
Do you have a garden overflowing with ripe fruits and vegetables? If so you might want to think about canning all the yummy treats from your garden. Fruits and vegetables go bad very quickly and canning is a great way to preserve your hard work! Canning isn’t always a cheap hobby to jump into. InRead More
How to Get Help with Personal Hygiene Products
We all go through seasons in our lives. Some of those seasons have us in the upswing with only minor worries and issues. Others keep us in the downswing with a myriad of problems we never knew could exist. Sometimes, despite what we do, we find ourselves sinking deep in the downswing. This can meanRead More
8 Bad Habits That Will Keep You Broke
When you got your last paycheck, what did you do? Did you faithfully pay your bills or did you go out and spend the money willy nilly? Will you have money left over when you get your next check or will you scrimp and save until your next payday? If you answered the later toRead More
6 Tips to Avoid the ‘Freshman 15’
The freshman 15. Have you ever heard of it? In short, it is the weight gain that a lot of incoming college freshmen gain during their first year of college. For most, they seem to think that the freshman 15 is inevitable, but really it isn’t. Here are 6 Tips to Avoid the ‘Freshman 15’Read More
20 Items Worth Buying Organic
With all of the talk about food pesticides and artificial hormones, you might be wondering which produce and food items you should buy organic. The truth is, certain items have a health benefit to buying organic and can help you and your family lead a more natural lifestyle. Take a look below at 20 ItemsRead More
Ways to Find Free Furniture
Christine is sharing ways to find free furniture and resources for help with furniture when you are on a limited budget. No matter what brought you to circumstances of needing free furniture, it can be overwhelming to try to find, especially if you don’t have the means to haul it. While sites like Craigslist andRead More
6 Ways to Make Extra Money in College
College is stressful enough without having to worry about money while you’re there. Between classes and everything else that will be on your schedule, you may find yourself without enough time to work a full-time job. If that happens, don’t stress too much. Here are 6 Ways to Make Extra Money in College to helpRead More
Creative Uses for Camphor Oil
Once upon a time, women used camphor oil for so many reasons! Camphor oil has since taken a back seat to many of the other essential household oils, but the truth is it is just as practical and purposeful! If you have been curious about camphor oil and want to know more about how itRead More
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