Baked apples aren’t just for dessert! This cinnamon oatmeal baked apple recipe makes a filling breakfast. These Cinnamon Oatmeal Baked Apples are stuffed with goodness, perfect for crisp fall mornings to start a school day, for brunch, or a lazy Sunday morning. Serve them to guests and impress them with your culinary prowess ( theyRead More
10 Overnight Oatmeal Recipes
Get a jump start on your week by making some of these overnight oatmeal recipes! I have never been a fan of traditional carb filled breakfast foods. They always leave me foraging in my fridge for “second breakfast” about an hour later. But who has the time to cook a balanced breakfast every morning? ThatRead More
Sheet Pan Scrambled Eggs
This Sheet Pan Scrambled Eggs recipe was created as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias and Horizon. The recipe and all opinions are mine alone. Please tell me I am not the only one who is not ready for the lazy days of summer to end! I have enjoyed leisurely mornings with myRead More
Pizza Frittata
This quick and easy Pizza Frittata recipe works for any meal of the day! I was going to say this Pizza Frittata Recipe is a hit with my kids, but actually, it is a hit with everyone. I love frittatas because they are fast and easy to make. You can create an elegant frittata orRead More
Strawberry Oatmeal Chocolate Smoothie
I am completely in love with the idea of starting my day with a chocolate smoothie. Okay, so there is just a hint of chocolate in this, but that’s enough to make my chocoholic soul happy. In reality, this Strawberry Oatmeal Chocolate Smoothie is a rich and fiber filled treat that can also double asRead More
Easy Eggnog Cocktail
Everyone loves a little eggnog around the holidays. This fun eggnog cocktail recipe is ideal for the adults in the group, with the classic rum and bourbon included. It’s a delicious choice that is super easy to make and serve. I don’t know about you, but it really doesn’t feel like Christmas without an EggnogRead More
Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats
These Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats are a hearty and delicious way to eat your whole grains. Prepare this easy recipe in 5 minutes and enjoy in the morning. Oatmeal is just the perfect breakfast for anyone. It is hearty, filling, and full of whole grains. While most people are used to boiling their oats andRead More
Herb Buttered Baked Egg Toast
Here’s a classic egg toast recipe made with a twist. This Herb Buttered Baked Egg Toast Recipe is loads different, but deliciously so! I like doing things a bit differently. You know, taking something familiar and turning it on its head. Case in point: egg toast. We’ve all seen egg toast, right? I wanted to doRead More
Pizza Egg Puffs with Pizza Dipping Sauce
This easy pizza egg puffs recipe with pizza dipping sauce makes a tasty meal for breakfast or lunch. My youngest son is my pickiest eater. It also seems that as soon as we identify a food he likes and stock up on it, he decides he no longer likes it. There are only a fewRead More
Strawberry Overnight Oatmeal with Variations
This easy Strawberry Overnight Oatmeal recipe has two delicious variations. These three Strawberry Overnight Oatmeal recipes are a great way to use fresh strawberries and are a full breakfast in a jar. The basic strawberry overnight oatmeal is delicious on its own, but the two variations taste more like dessert than breakfast. Strawberry Rhubarb OvernightRead More
Apricot Vanilla Cashew Refrigerator Oatmeal
I like to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. For some reason I always wake up starving, so I never cook breakfast. I just scrounge around in my fridge until I find some edible leftovers. I love making overnight oatmeal because I can make myself a wholesome breakfast in advance. This Apricot Vanilla CashewRead More
Apple Pie Overnight Oatmeal
This Apple Pie Overnight Oatmeal Recipe is a stealthy healthy breakfast disguised as pie! This apple pie overnight oatmeal is not just a recipe, but the accomplishment of a life goal for me: find a way to eat pie for breakfast every day without consequences! This apple pie overnight oatmeal tastes so much like apple pie,Read More
Peanut Butter Trail Mix Refrigerator Oatmeal
This Peanut Butter Trail Mix Refrigerator Oatmeal is an easy and delicious prep-ahead breakfast for busy mornings. I am not a morning person. If I am going to choose between getting up to make breakfast and hitting snooze several more times, more sleep is always going to win. So I usually scan my pantry for anything IRead More
Carrot Cake Overnight Oatmeal
This carrot cake overnight oatmeal recipe is a delicious way to start your morning! While I love the taste of good homemade carrot cake and count it among my very favorite of desserts, the flour, milk, and sugar do not like my waistline very much. Not willing to give up my favorite flavors but lookingRead More
Tomato and Spinach Frittata with Havarti Cheese
Frittatas are one of my favorite breakfast foods. Due to some recent dietary changes I’ve been trying different variations such as this Tomato and Spinach Frittata with Havarti Cheese. If you’ve never tried a frittata before, it is basically an open faced omelette and is really easy to make. Normally when I make a frittata, it’sRead More
How To Make Amazing Cheese Grits
What’s with this ground Hominy corn staple of the south anyway? Well, people generally fall into Camp 1, those who hate ’em. Then there are those who fall into Camp 2, ya’ll love ’em to pieces. I happen to fall into the latter camp. I love me some grits. No surprise there, well maybe somewhatRead More
10 Kid Friendly Muffin Recipes
Muffins are one of my absolute favorite things to bake. For someone like me who is not really what I would consider a very good baker, muffins seen to really impress me and restore my faith in the fact that maybe I can bake some things. It’s probably because they are what is considered quickRead More
25 Paleo Breakfast Recipes
If you come from a home where breakfast traditionally means biscuits, wraps or pancakes, going Paleo can seem daunting. These 25 Paleo Breakfast Recipes are amazing substitutes for your classic versions. Not only will you find wonderful high protein meal choices that are traditional for breakfast, you’ll see wonderful granola, muffins and even waffles! IRead More
Steak and Asparagus Breakfast Wrap
Every year when spring finally arrives I start fantasizing about having breakfast out on the patio. But then reality hits. I am not a morning person and the logistics of pulling together a breakfast and serving it on the patio before lunch time is overwhelming. This weekend I came up with an easy solution: BreakfastRead More
Southwest Frittata with Chicken
Now that the weather has warmed up, we are busier than ever trying to squeeze as much as possible into the extra hours of day light. I am anxious to get outside, so I don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking breakfast. And I drag myself if as the sun is setting whichRead More