Arena is sharing her recipe for Cherry-Flavored White Chocolate Hearts. These Cherry-Flavored White Chocolate Hearts are so elegant, yet really easy to make. You only need a couple of ingredients and heart shaped molds. They also come together in a short amount of time. The longest part of the process is allowing the melted chocolate toRead More
Chocolate AlohaMac Pudding Parfaits
“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Hawaiian Host, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HawaiianHoliday” Entertaining at the holidays can be stressful because we are adding dinner parties on top of all the other holiday activities. You can reduce your stress byRead More
Pretzel Peppermint Bark
Jodi is sharing her Pretzel Peppermint Bark recipe. A delicious twist on an old favorite Christmas candy. The pretzels in this candy give a light salty flavor that enhances the sweetness. A little really does go a long way. I love dark chocolate with a white drizzle but you can use milk, dark, white, orRead More
How to host a Holiday Cookie Swap + 31 Cookie Recipes
What is a Cookie Swap? Cookie Swaps are a fun and frugal way to get together with friends over the holidays. Over the years, we have hosted cookie parties a couple different ways. Traditional Cookie Exchange For a traditional cookie swap, everyone brings 1 dozen cookies for each person that attends the party, plus 1Read More
Brown Sugar Pecan Coffee Cake with Chai Spices
This Brown Sugar Pecan Coffee Cake recipe is a wonderful addition to a holiday brunch. How do you handle stress? Some people cook, some people shop, some people eat, my sister runs, but me? I read magazines. Why magazines instead of a book? Well, when I am stressed, it means I probably have a lotRead More
Chai Tea Fudge
This easy recipe for Chai Tea Fudge really uses Chai Tea to flavor the fudge. You start by steeping 4 tea bags in the evaporated milk that will be used to make the fudge. All the little specs you see in the fudge are actually spices that came out during the steeping process. It isRead More
10 Valentine’s Day Treats
These homemade Valentine’s Day treats are perfect for kids to give out as valentines or party favors at Valentine’s Day parties. These Valentine’s Day treats include homemade candies, desserts, notecards, and candied rim glasses. Several of these treats could be turned into a cute Valentine for kids using a sandwich bag and a printable ValentineRead More
Peppermint Bark Popcorn
I enjoy coming up with new snack ideas for parties. I decided to modify my Peppermint Bark Chex Party Mix to make a Peppermint Bark Popcorn. I changed the quantities, but used a similar method. I also decided to use white chocolate on half of the popcorn and dark chocolate on the rest. This allows people toRead More
How to Make Caramel Popcorn
My kids have been after me to make homemade caramel popcorn for a while. But when my oldest son announced that he made enough popcorn for me to make caramel popcorn and left it on the counter for me, I knew that they had waited for far too long! Caramel Popcorn is actually quite easyRead More
Mocha Fudge Frosting
This is my signature frosting. When someone in my family asks me to make my frosting, they are asking for my Mocha Fudge Frosting. I do not remember the source of the recipe though I think my mom shared it with me. The first time I clearly remember making it was the summer I wasRead More
Chai Spiced Frosting
I was asked to make cupcakes for a party we attended last weekend. I wanted to create unique flavors without frightening the guests, so I choose to make chai latte cupcakes with Chai Spiced Frosting for one batch. They have a mild, but interesting spiced flavor. My daughter walked in as I was baking andRead More
Cookies and Cream Candy Bar Recipe
Have you ever tried to make your own candy bars? It is actually quite easy! Not only is it easy, but it gives you complete control over the ingredients, so you can make better quality candy for less money. When I was making bark candy for my kids last week, I realized how easy itRead More
Mocha Fudge Bundt Cake with Mocha Fudge Glaze
Occasionally, when life is really busy, or just plain crazy, I cheat and doctor a cake mix rather than cook from scratch. I would rather have company over and serve them an easy dessert, rather than not entertain at all. When the cake mix brand that I like goes on sale, I will buy aRead More
Chai Spiced Meringues with Pecans
I love finding ways to combine chai spices with traditional recipes. And meringues were just asking for a flavorful makeover. Meringues are primarily made of egg whites and superfine sugar. You don’t need to buy superfine sugar because you can easily make superfine sugar yourself. Meringues are easy to make and the batter comes togetherRead More
Dairy-Free Fudge
You will not miss the milk in this dairy-free fudge recipe! Dodging dairy can be a little difficult at the holidays when recipes with cream and butter are flowing pretty freely. My oldest son cannot consume dairy, but I do not want him to miss out on the delicious candies. I don’t want him to feel deprived;Read More
Flourless Chocolate Cookies
This flourless chocolate cookies recipe are chewy and taste like brownies! You can even add your favorite brownie add-ins if you wish. Flourless chocolate cookies are delicious and easy to make. The ingredient list is similar to a meringue cookie recipe except this uses whole eggs instead of just egg whites. The directions are differentRead More
Granola Bar Pie Crust and Mixed Berry Pie
My daughter’s friend shared the idea of using granola bars to make a pie crust with my daughter. It is an easy alternative to making a graham cracker pie crust or a cookie pie crust and it only uses 2 ingredients: crunchy granola bars and butter. Granola Bar Pie Crust Recipe Yield: 1 – 9in. pieRead More
There Must Be 50 Ways to Frost a Brownie
I have been quite busy lately and feel like I am being pulled in many different directions. My coping mechanism is brownies with frosting. Many years of stress have led me to perfect several different frostings. I have shared these recipes before (I have even reduced the Mocha Fudge frosting to 140 characters and tweetedRead More
Marshmallow Mixed Berry Pie
This Marshmallow Mixed Berry Pie recipe takes a little bit of time to create, but the effort will be greatly appreciated by your Little Bear! My youngest son formerly spent a large portion of each day pretending to be Little Bear. For many months he even called me Mother Bear instead of mommy. He oftenRead More
Earthquake Cake
Try this easy Earthquake Cake recipe for a delicious and impressive dessert! Doctoring a chocolate cake mix has never been tastier. I am not a huge fan of cake mixes, but I do occasionally enjoy doctoring cake mixes. This doctored cake mix recipe was passed on to me by a friend. I can’t remember why,Read More