These 5 ways to save money on a tight budget can add up to surprising savings quickly! With so many money-saving tips out there, it is easy to forget the simple ways you can save money. While these may seem like obvious ways you can save cash, people often don’t use them becauseRead More
What to Buy in June
Want to know what to buy in June when they are at the lowest price? Use this list of items that go on sale in June. While summer brings with it vacation from school and work, it doesn’t bring vacations from great sales. During the month of June, you can still find hot deals onRead More
How to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money on Groceries
Would you like to stretch your grocery budget further? Use these easy tips on how to reduce food waste and save money on groceries. Have you resolved to save money? Reducing food waste can help with your goal. Before you can eliminate food waste, you first need to figure out why you are wasting food.Read More
Do the Earth a Favor: Don’t Celebrate It!
Earth Day is coming up on Saturday, April 22, 2023. But please, do the earth a favor: Don’t celebrate it! Or if you want to celebrate earth day, at least don’t celebrate it the way the merchants are suggesting, by driving all over town buying their “eco-friendly” products. Instead, stay home and buy nothing;Read More
St. Patrick’s Breastplate and 4 Printables of St. Patrick’s Prayer
Here is the complete St. Patrick’s Breastplate and 4 Printables of St. Patrick’s Prayer St. Patrick’s Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to Saint Patrick. Though some now think the author was anonymous, tradition says it was written by St.Patrick in 433 A.D. for divine protection before attempting to convert the Irish King Leoghaire toRead More
Early Spring Cleaning Tips and March Cleaning Checklist
Get a jump start on Spring cleaning by doing some early spring cleaning to clear away the winter mess and organize your winter gear for next year. I can almost feel those beautiful spring breezes and see those tiny buds ready to spring forth. That can only mean one thing, spring is on its way.Read More
20 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for $20 or Less
Here are 20 Valentine’s Day date idea for $20 or less that are fun and will allow you to celebrate without blowing your budget. Are you celebrating Valentine’s Day this year on a budget? Many people are! But the good news is, you can still have a fantastic time this Valentine’s Day without breaking theRead More
How to Declutter Your Home in The New Year
We all start the fresh New Year with high hopes but sometimes that is easier said than done. These tips for how to declutter your home in the New Year help keep decluttering within your grasp! How to Declutter Your Home in The New Year If you feel as if your home is too cluttered,Read More
12 Household Expenses You Should Cut in 2023
If you are trying to save money, cutting out a few monthly expenses can make a big difference. Here are 12 household expenses you should cut in 2023. Are you drowning in debt? Or perhaps you just want a little extra money to set aside. There are all sorts of reasons to want to makeRead More
10 Tips for Sticking with Your New Year’s Resolution
Use these tips for sticking to your New year’s Resolutions to follow through on your goals this year. Creating a resolution for the new year is the easy part. Sticking with it may be harder than you may think. Most people’s resolutions fizzle out by the end of January, if they are lucky to makeRead More
How to Make a New Year’s Eve Time Capsule
Are you looking for ways to celebrate New Year’s Eve and ring in the New Year? Use these tips for how to make a New Year’s Eve time capsule to celebrate with family while remembering the last year. Do you love the idea of saving a moment in time? A time capsule is a perfectRead More
How to Make Homemade Goo Gone Substitute
Use a couple of common pantry ingredients and this tutorial on how to make homemade goo gone to make a solution that will easily remove price tags, stickers, and sticky residue. Do you hate when price tags and stickers leave gooey marks on things? If so, you may have resorted to store-bought products to takeRead More
10 Ways to Repurpose Old Suitcases
Do you have a vintage suitcase, but are not sure what to do with it? Here are 10 ways to repurpose old suitcases. Does it seem like you are seeing old suitcases everywhere you look? You aren’t imagining it, they are! Vintage suitcases are making a comeback, as people are finding all sorts of waysRead More
Frugal Christmas Decorating Ideas
These frugal Christmas decorating ideas will allow you to decorate your home for the holidays without blowing your budget. Christmas is just around the corner and if you are like me, having your home decorated for the holidays is part of the fun. However, this has been a tough economic year for many of us.Read More
DIY Christmas Tree Advent Calendar
This Homemade Christmas Tree Advent Calendar is an easy craft to make with recycled paper towel rolls. Each day you count down towards Christmas reveals a hidden treat! It’s almost time to start the Christmas countdown! There are so many fun ways to do this with advent calendars. You can find all sorts of themRead More
Heart of Christmas: A Christian Alternative to Elf on the Shelf
Are you looking for a Christian alternative to Elf on the Shelf? If you are looking for ways to turn your child’s heart to the true meaning of Christmas this year, our Heart of Christmas may provide some inspiration. I love Christmas! The gift giving, baking, decorating, family, friends, finding a big fresh tree- all ofRead More
30 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Fall
Autumn is such a lovely time of year, but too often we let the busyness of life keep up from truly enjoy it. Below you will find 30 ways to slow down and enjoy fall this year. None of these ideas are expensive. You just need to commit to taking a little time to addRead More
Frugal Fall Date Ideas
Make time for a date night before the hectic holiday season. Here is a list of frugal fall date ideas that you can enjoy while on a budget. Fall is by far my favorite time of year. The weather is cooling down, yet it’s still pleasant outside. I also love that there are so manyRead More
How to Make Homemade Air Freshener Spray
Use this tutorial on how to make homemade air freshener spray to make your own custom-scented room spray. It is inexpensive and the scent in your home sets the mood and is one of the first impressions guests will take in when they step into your home. Making your own homemade air freshener spray is well..”aRead More
End of School Year Cleaning Checklist
Now that school is out, you probably have lots of papers, clothes, and lunch containers to deal with. Don’t put it off until fall! Use this End of the School Year Cleaning Checklist to help you tackle the chaos. This month we will turn our focus on getting ready for an amazing summer with the kids.Read More
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